Monday, November 20, 2006

The Power of Words

In our society today, we are constantly worried about terrorists and nuclear bombs, and we should be. But there is something we all are using everyday that can be more devastating than any bombs or more uplifting than any gift or success or any amount of money. I am talking about "words".
James 3:2 says, "We all make mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way". It is not easy to control your tongue because it is so powerful. Sometimes it is easy to spit out words that we should not say, but we don't seem to have the power to hold them in.
James goes on to say that with a small bridle you can control the power of a horse. And with a small rudder you can control the movements of a large ship.
James is illustrating here that with words you can control your destiny just like you can control the destiny of the horse with the bridle or the ship with the rudder.
The words that you speak can encourage you and others or they can harm and destroy you and others.
You know what I mean don't you? You have spoken hurtful words probably. Someone has probably spoken hurtful words to you before too.
Ask The Lord to help you to choose your words wisely.
Proverbs 12:18...the words of the wise bring healing.

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